terça-feira, julho 14

Viagem atribulada?

A viagem dos castores ate à Moldavia não terá corrido muito bem. Segundo um comentário deixado aqui no nosso blogue, os 6 brasileiros que viajaram para a Moldavia terão ficado detidos no aeroporto por falta de visto.
Aguardamos desenvolvimentos para perceber se o comentário tem algum fundamento.

3 comentários:

Alex disse...

On arrival in the airport of Kishinev it was found out that at 6 football players, Brazilians on a nationality, the Portuguese command "Pasush" which in Thursday to play with "Zimbru" in 2nd selection round of League of Europe, is not present visas to entrance to our country. The defect of a management of club "Pasush de Ferejra" concerning opening of visas in Moldova, has been eliminated thanks to the help of a management of club "Zimbru". It is informed that some hours the Portuguese command could not pass customs, before Moldavian colleagues were not connected .

The Portuguese team has passed the control and today in hotel "Leo Grande" by 20 o'clock has taken places. Tomorrow they will spend training at stadium FK "Zimbru", and the match will take place on Thursday at 19.30. A press conference with participation of trainers will pass tomorrow at 12.00.

Castores1950 disse...

thanks for the news alexandr.

do you know of any TV channel where we can watch live the game?

Alex disse...

Now one of the channels carries on negotiations with club about live translation...
need to wait for Thursday